Crossing the Blues
f you grew up reading Sweet Valley High, and wondered what about Jessica and Elizabeth Wakefield, your wish has come true.Writer Francine Pascal has just published a follow-up to his popular series of novels.
The fictional twin blonde with a perfect size six figures and "peaches and cream skin" was a hit with teens, since books were first launched in the eighties to the beginning.Now, Sweet Valley Confidential: Ten years later, we meet the girls, this time in their thirties. And if you do not want to know what happened, stop reading now

Unlike the books of Sweet Valley, the new volume is not designed for young people - with a more heavy and complex relationships, focuses on women as leaders, young adults were ten years ago.Readers are still a lot of knowledge is the new book, anyway. Elizabeth is still a sensitive, caring and responsible, while Jessica is more emotional, selfish and materialistic.The story begins when Elizabeth realizes that her longtime boyfriend, Todd Wilkins, is having an affair with Jessica.en years after: the new book Sweet Valley is the most content heavy and complex relationshipsHeartbroken, she fled to New York, determined to never see your sister or Todd again.

Meanwhile, Jessica, who is engaged to Todd, is a desperate need for forgiveness of his twin brother.So when the twins are forced to attend a party to celebrate the 80 anniversary of his grandmoher, Isabel comes up with a plan to destroy relationships and Jessica Todd.The story unfolds in a series of flashbacks that fill in the blanks on what happened to the twins after a decade as a teenager.There are a lot of references to earlier books that readers loyal plots with vivid memories to remember.While some may call for cheese, chick-lit fans want to escape easy to find a fun read.