Crossing the Blues

Amy Adams Lands Superman's Lois Lane
We have a man of steel in Henry Cavill. And this weekend it was discovered that she is an actress to play the most important woman in his life, as Amy Adams was awarded the contract for the role of Lois Lane in Superman Zack Snyder.

The Los Angeles Times' Geoff Boucher reported that Snyder can be called Adams knows, the news from Paris on Sunday where he was the promotional tour Sucker Punch.

And then he picked up the phone to talk to the paper, its decision: "It 's been a great and massive undertaking for Lois," says Snyder. "For us it was a big deal, and of course a very important role. We have a lot of hearings, but we had this meeting with Amy Adams and after that I just felt it was perfect for this."

With the usual excuses, refused to Snyder in detail, how to fill Lane appear in the film. But one can not wait for someone to size you set Adams' for a glorified cameo. According to the director, it is an important part of his vision for Supes. "Go back to what I said about Superman and what he was really saying today. What is important for us is to make it relevant and real, and what so greatly that today's audiences have for the decisions he makes. Understanding valid for Lois as well. you have to be in the same universe, like him in the tone and substance. "We hope that is not in the same universe as the girl Sucker Punch, or she will film in the halter top and short skirt .. .

But Adams is a good choice as Lois, and come from a killer year that saw blades nominated for an Oscar for The Fighter and works with Sam Riley and control has Kermit the Frog.