Crossing the Blues

LAgu Baru Tere

Posted by mista

Album Baru Tere.Breaking news from Penyanyi Tere was Sibuk Bertransformasi. Like what of Tere now? The woman had the full name Theresia Ebenna Ezeria Pardede same middle busy preparing the album terbarunya. in the concept of the The Best album, Tere raked in the Dewiq musician to help him. "This like the transformation from Tere that was early to Tere that was new now," he said when being met in the reunion agenda of FISIP Komunikasi UI in X2 Plaza Senayan, In his same opportunity also told about his efforts in having the child. Four years married but were not yet blessed with the child not was significantly bad for the wife Eka Nugraha. He precisely enjoyed togetherness with the husband. At this time according to him, he felt he went out continued. The "wish as soon as possible, would the decisive Lord not we." We gak could maksain,yang we explained continued to try, he said again
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