Crossing the Blues
This is story about madonna,
A-Rod, Madonna, and Kravitz
Alex Rodriguez and Madonna,a rod madonna

What happened
Cynthia Rodriguez, wife of Yankees' third baseman Alex "A-Rod" Rodriguez, has filed for divorce after five years of marriage, citing infidelity. Media reports have alleged romantic liasons between Alex Rodriguez and Madonna, and between Cynthia Rodriguez and Lenny Kravitz, whom she visited in Paris. (AP)

What the commentators said
"We’re still scratching our heads over the Madonna-Alex Rodriguez story," said Roger Friedman on Fox News' Fox411 blog. So it turns out that A-Rod has kept a secret sublet in New York, and yes, Madonna has visited, but "the probability is that Madonna and her guru, Philip Berg," the founder of Kabbalah, "are more interested in Rodriguez for his bulging wallet than anything else."

Whatever their actual relationship, "those Madonna-Alex Rodriguez rumours just won't go away," said Josh Rippingale on ABC's The Shallow End blog. And even though Lenny Kravitz denies any improper relationship with Cynthia Rodriguez, her escape to his home in France certainly makes this story quite a celebrity tangle. So "can we start using the phrase 'Radonna' yet?"

"A-Rod's private life might be an enormous punch line," said Ken Davidoff in Newsday, but things are going well on the ball field, where he just tied Mickey Mantle with 536 career home-runs. And if people are starting to hate him for his antics outside the park, giving him 3,934,518 votes for the All-Star team was an odd way to show it.
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