Putri Indonesia 2008 Zivanna Letisha Siregar represent Indonesia in Miss Universe event in 2009 election. As usual in the contest-Beauty Pageant contest, in addition to selecting Miss Universe also selected some akan Attribute Miss, one of them is Miss Favorite selected based on voting via the internet most sound in the world.
Indonesian Vice Zivanna Letisha Siregar, a position at this time (22 July 2009) ranks are based on the results of both surveys through the official website Miss Universe, Miss Zivanna under Vietnam and only terpaut Rating of 0.16 (3.20 Ratings Miss Vietnam while Miss Indonesia 3.04)
So through this paper I would like to invite all elements of the nation to participate and to give the highest rating (rating 5) to the Vice Indonesia.
You can make voting through this link
http://www.missuniverse.com/ and then select the log in (create an account first) has a new account after you come in to my page and please http://www.missuniverse.com/members/contestants to click Zivanna Letisha Siregar , Give Rating 5 (highest). Do not give Rating 1 (Bottom) because the rating will reduce the accumulation of Zivanna
Email 1 for 1 to 1 UserID Voters
(But you can give terus2an Rating asal2an using email, using email karna asal2an also qta still be able to give ratings)
previous thread about this actually exists, but I deliberately made a similar thread again vote karna acquisition zivanna decrease. yesterday was the first position but now miss vietnam kesalib same and came to the second position.
so sory i
Thank you for the participation.
With the help of all of us Indonesia can get a little pride after the injury due Bom few days ago