after now surface cultivated I of Julia fathers of melorot of persik of dewi its cord bolt the mlorot.kemben julia perez
the sensational News is not accomplished advance of the craftsman Julia Perez. The last account comes of artist-which is pled that a tersexy in Indonesia east in the aspect while it is an inn in the width of Jakarta exchange Friday (10/7) and, sector aback the accidental clothing of abandoned braiding of Julia Perez of aberration, on of the trunk terumbar on before hundreds of guests.
But, the load of aspect continue. Agitation of Skirt not with it. Quite ventilated with him and the tent the trunk accumulate singing, of the similar dozen admission of camera the buzz that adaptable is with him. The trunk absolute reflex of captivation of hands benumb while the bung of Duren bissectait to achieve.
However, aback the moment is in activity on traction, there is a being which antic about the active striptease. The sewot of Skirt and affirms in more than its dancers are not like that. At the end of the song, in more Skirt pled Ivan Gunawan like MC for the . It came moreover it bottomward with a smile as if the article did not occur.
Found after the incident, with, berujar quite ventilated of Skirt Hahaha, I recorded it. It is incidental low real, left given up inside advanced of the people. Of other in photograph, I say, do not make the fotoin difoto-lho, thus of agitation of I again
Pedangdut on July 15, 1980 integrated in more not appetite obtained misled with this incident. It accumulate the keprofesionalitasannya. Skirt not to be panic. In the case of this type that I can run to the aback of the stage, load be professional. Thus I spoils it aja of ngelawak kan, said to dilansir it KapanLagi.com of SCTV.
Oops, if funny. sing until I accept achieved the song. But I accept a red face, like that. (while attracting with the trunk), my. of advantage he said while again small tumult.
In the recognition with this low thing, the mother, Sri Wulansih in more absolutely relaxed. Previously, it makes moreover equip the baby with menasehati in a quantity of model. Appropriez you thus front I, of dibilangin you (Skirt, reds) makai of tuh if the annihilation which can be comfortable acclimatized? since there if it diem of nggak of nyanyi of udah of tuh, achieve the movement of movement here, show it.