Although not yet officially selected, whispering who become cabinet ministers in the SBY-Boediono still scrolling. Now the list of 32 ministers who will sit in government is outstanding. Who are they?
From the cabinet list circulating on the internet, on Tuesday (21 / 7), most are new faces. There are only a few names are still occupying the post of minister. They, among others, Sri Mulyani, Sofyan Djalil and Lukman Edy.
Here a complete list of ministers SBY-Boediono:
Coordinating Minister for
1. Coordinating Minister for Politics and Security Law: Sutanto (former Kapolri)
2. Coordinating Minister for the Economy: Sri Mulyani Indrawati
3. Coordinating Minister for People's Welfare: Hatta Rajasa (PAN)
4. State Secretary: Sudi Silalahi
Minister of the Ministry of
5. Minister of Home Affairs: Andi Malaranggeng (Democrat)
6. Minister of Foreign Affairs: Marty Natalegawa (Dubes RI at the United Nations)
7. Minister of Defense: Djoko Suyanto (former TNI)
8. Minister of Law and Human Rights: Ruhut Sitompul (Democrat)
9. Finance Minister: M Chatib Basri (FEUI)
10. Minister of Mining and Energy: Tubagus Haryono (Head DSL Migas)
11. Minister of Industry & Pedagangan: MS Hidayat (Kadin)
12. Minister of Agriculture: Dr. Ir Herry Suhardiyanto (Rector of IPB)
13. Minister of Forestry: Taufik Effendy (Democrat)
14. Minister of Transportation: Prof.. Dr. Sutanto Soehodho (UI)
15. Minister of Marine and Fisheries: Ir Dr Mohammad Jafar Hafsah (Democrat)
16. Minister of Manpower and Transmigration: M Jumhur Hidayat
17. Minister of Public Works: Prof. Dr. Ir Budi Susilo Supandji (Director General of Potential Defense Dephan)
18. Minister of Health: Dr dr Fachmi Idris (Chairman General IDI)
19. Minister of National Education: Anis Rasyid Bawesdan (Rector of the Univ. Paramadina)
20. Social Minister: Hidayat Nur Wahid / Tifatul Sembiring (MCC)
21. Minister of Religion: Dr. Salim Al Jufri Segaf (MCC)
Minister of State
22. Minister of Culture and Tourism: Jero Wacik (Democrat)
23. Minister of Research and Technology: Dr Andy N. Sommeang (Directorate General of Intellectual Property Rights)
24. Minister of Cooperatives and SMEs: Muhaimin Iskandar (PKB)
25. Environment Minister: Prof. Dr. Ir Wahyuadi Johny M. Soedarsono (Great Teacher FTUI)
26. Minister for Women's Empowerment: Rahmawati Soekarnoputri
27. Pendayagunaan Minister of Administrative Reform: Marzuki Alie (Democrat)
28. State Minister of Regional Development Tertinggal: Lukman Edy (PKB)
29. Minister of National Development Planning: Prof. Bambang PS Brojonegoro (former Dean FEUI)
29. Minister of BUMN: Sofyan Djalil
30. Minister of Communications and Information: Rizal Malarangeng
31. Minister of Youth and Sports: Anas Urbaningrum (Democrat)
32. Minister of Public Housing: Zulkifli Hasan (PAN)