JAKARTA - Manohara Odelia Pinot finally really criticize her husband, who is also the son of Sultanate of Kelantan, Tengku Muhammad Fakhry Petra. Power law up to 11 articles springe Fakhry follow up allegations of mistreatment and kidnapping.
Around 09.55 o'clock yesterday (9 / 6), Manohara come to Bareskrim Mabes police to report Fakhry officially. With car ride Toyota Alphard Vellfire black bernopol B 1 UUL, Manohara accompanied his mother, Daisy Fajarina, and four power law. They are Hotman Paris Hutapea, Warsito Sanyoto, Alex Luri, and Farhat Abbas.
Women who are called Mano is familiar not only to report Fakhry. He also reported that seven other people involved considered the abduction and alleged torture. They are Captain Zakaria Saleh, Ichsan, M. Soberi bin Shafi, Azahari bin Hasyim (third ajudan Fakhry), Matera binti Ghani AB (wife Azahari bin Hasyim), Sultan Ismail Petra (sultan of Kelantan), and Tengku Anis (consort of Sultanate of Kelantan).
Hotman said, Zakaria Saleh involved because he is a pilot who takes by force Manohara in Jeddah, Saudi Arabia, on March 9 ago, after the `Umrah. While Azahari and Matera took memegangi Manohara beat and when to bring the plane. The other to seize a role in the alleged rights of freedom of others is regulated article 333 Criminal Code.
According to Hotman, the article 11 to make a trap Fakhry. Among other things, section 25 Criminal Code (rape), section 351 (torture), section 333 (penyekapan), and the law on domestic violence (domestic violence). "He may be 70 years in prison," said Hotman.
Manohara in the Protection of Women and Children (PPA) Mabes Polri for about 4 hours. He then makes an official report news events and fill out the examination (bap). Then, at about 14:05 women aged 17 years with the troupe to the Cipto Mangunkusumo Hospital (RSCM) for a visa. He checked off Haida and dr Abdul Mun'im Idries.
Hotman said, the team doctor admitted former injured in the Mano sekujur body. Seam is found in the back, thigh, stomach, and around the chest. Commonly used wound cutlet with zig-zag pattern. In fact, a number of injured organs found in approximately kewanitaannya.
That diamini Abdul Mun'im Idries, one of the doctors who examine. According to Mun'im, injury is still clearly visible and not including minor injury that may be lost. The team doctor yesterday also check urin and blood samples for the Manohara substances-substances that Fakhry injected into the body.
However, it seems Manohara still must endure to be able to witness her husband punished. Head of Public Relations Division Irjen Mabes Polri Abubakar Nataprawira said, reports Manohara to Mabes Polri will only function as a reference for the Malaysian police. "What was reported (Fakhry) is a Malaysian citizen. Therefore, the applicable law is Malaysia. (Law) we can not, "he said.
Reports that have been diberkas that, he says, can be resumed if the bulwark Manohara to royal Malaysia Police. "Can only through the Ministry of Foreign Affairs," he said.
Then, what's the body Manohara examination by forensic doctors? According to Abubakar, the examination reports that Manohara strengthen the process of law in Malaysia. "However, it is possible that police will ask Malaysia re-examination," said general police that the two stars.
Fakhry can be called to Indonesia? According to former Kapolres in Bogor, it was not possible. "He (Fakhry) Malaysia is bound by law. So, can not be processed here, "specifically. (aga / rdl / dwi)
Source: jawapos.com