dangdut singer Cici Paramida reporting to the police concerning domestic violence that made her husband, Ahmad Suhaebi. Cici starting to recover from shock by a car Suhaebi, brings three lawyers for the husband and the claw.
Problem is expressed by lawyers Adhyaksa Dault, Cici relatives. "This problem families, there are now lawyers who manage," said Menegpora that time found in the West Swasembada Jl Raya 6, Plumpang, North Jakarta, Thursday
Three lawyers who are digandeng Cici Ferry Ama Horsea, Riri Purbasari and Herman Umar. Riri looks ferry and sit in the house with Adhyaksa Cici.
Our lawyers have come together with the Adhyaksa at 17:45 WIB. They seem to negotiate with Cici and her family concerning the steps that the law will be made on Suhaebi. Moreover, Thursday (18/6/2009) This Suhaebi Cici to report back to police.
After the encounter Cici, Ferry Riri and not communicative. Both promised to hold a press meet, Friday (19/6/2009) tomorrow.
"Tomorrow we ngomong with Cici in the Century Hotel 17:15 hrs WIB," Ferry promise.