Cici paramida husband beaten black-and-blue paramida Cici "suhaebi" leaving a unique story of contemporary household maize paramida Cici. 4 months have not even married, there is the fact surprising Cici's household Paramida. The husband, Suhaebi, confessed that he and Cici has been 1.5 months pisah house.
"Correct me and Cici is pisah home during the last 1.5 months," said Suhaebi found the police station in Bogor, West Java, on Monday (15/6/2009).
However Suhaebi reluctant to explain it himself pisah home from Cici. "The reason is very personal yah," augment him.
Cici dinikahi Suhaebi in Masjidil Haram, Mecca, March 12, 2009 ago. Start the Cici's wedding and had diterpa news Suhaebi not tasty. Women who claim as a wife Suhaebi, Neni, reveal themselves, if not dicerai.
Of the statement Neni be debated and Cici Suhaebi. They said if the compact is dicerai Neni.
Neni finally acknowledge that any household with Suhaebi already ended. There-there are celebrities now.