Crossing the Blues
You love Taylor Swift New Album Diverse? absolutely ,For pure star-on-star revenge, "Dear John," from Taylor Swift's new album "Speak Now," will be tough to beat. Six-and-a-half minutes long and flagrantly provocative, it's a deeply uncomfortable song, its protagonist anguished and violated. "Don't you think I was too young to be messed with?" she asks. "The girl in the dress/ Cried the whole way home."

John Mayer has brought this out in Swift, awakening her pain, her ire and her creativity. Rather than write a song in her familiar country-pop mode, she's crafted an electric blues, its pealing guitar licks a hilarious and pointed reminder of Mayer, who's a master of the style. It is warfare on the level of Jay-Z versus Nas, Oasis versus Blur, Carly Simon versus whomever.

Of course, this being the coy, evasive Swift, the name John Mayer is never uttered on this song. (She has performed with him and tabloids reported that she was involved with him earlier this year.)