Crossing the Blues
Joy Tobing is the indonesian singer and her husband, Daniel Sinambela recently reported to the police on charges of adultery. Joy and her husband could be punishable by imprisonment of 5 years.

"Maximum penalty of 5 years," said Syahreni, attorney Daniel's ex-wife, Deborah Anastasia, after accompanying his client reporting and Daniel Joy, the Polda Metro Jaya, Jalan Sudirman, Jakarta, Monday (29/3/2010).

Joy and Daniel reportedly committing adultery while being married to Daniel's status is still a husband Deborah. Divorce Daniel and Deborah were still in the appeals process. Divorce was not yet have permanent legal force because of child custody issues have not finished.

"It's their statement in the church is not no impediment to marriage. And he himself not knowing (not yet completed divorce proceedings), Joy also stated that," said Syahreni.

Parties have confirmed Deborah Joy and Daniel's marriage to the church. Church confirms marriage.