Crossing the Blues

5000 Year Leap

Posted by mista
5000 Year Leap Glenn Beck who is an award winning radio and Cable TV host, has been trying to promote people to read the book, the 5000 Year Leap: A Miracle That Changed The World.
There are views that the United States, has for years now, been progressively drifting away from our Founding Fathers, initial formula for success.

Recapturing these formulas, and reviewing history and the development of America, will bring an awareness to the brilliant precepts, which had made Americans, the first free people in modern times.

This book focuses on 28 Principles of Freedom, which the Founding Fathers, had said must be comprehended and put into action by all wanting peace, prosperity and freedom.

Sticking to those beliefs over the last 2000 years, has brought more progress than in the previous 5000 years.