Crossing the Blues

Rency  Milano the Artists is getting divorce for three times. Divorced for the third time that does not make Recny trauma on marriage institution.  
Rency said,she, in fact he does not want a life like that  . "Who do you want to marry, divorce, but I want this with him (the husband-red) can better understand and norms of marriage," the wife of dust from the Rocky Maechah Jeff.

Elma Theana artist sister is avoid if 9-year age difference between himself and Rocky called the base of their chaotic marriage. According to women 31 years of age factor is not the barrier for two sejoli make love.

"Perhaps because we are too hard, small things can be big," he said.

Immediately menjanda for the third time, Rency certainly feel sad. He also does not want to chaotic household was known his parents.

"Mama is not healthy. I also do not want my parents took my family matters intervened," he said.