Crossing the Blues

Fatwa Facebook Haram

Posted by mista
facebook haram
 The desire of the scholars in East Java who want to memfatwakan Facebook, get loud opposition from the Facebokers (for a Facebook user). According to the scholars that they must provide proof before removing the right decision.

"Fatwa is really not realistic. Ulama must show proof that the right because Facebook also provides a positive impact, why," Chandra muttering hero one of Facebook activists, while talking with okezone, Friday (22/5/2009).

Also added, such as social networking site Facebook that would have very strict rules. One example, if Facebook users display images from a chest to the top, then the manager will immediately close it. So be spelled out, Facebook already has its own filter.

In addition, according to men aged 28 years, if the scholars would like to block social networking, Facebook should not only just. Many other social networking sites such as Friendster or Myspace. And if you really like that, the same scholars prohibit the use of the Internet into Indonesia.

"Activities in the virtual world requires the interaction between men and women. And that depends on the individual in private mengontrolnya. Fact be spelled out, which oversees the activities of the virtual world, only himself and the angels," specifically.

Some other users of Facebook is intensely manage their own opinions of each, but essentially all of which give one vote unanimously, the regret attitude if Facebook MUI akan difatwakan unlawful.

"I agree that the main Facebook spelled forbidden. The problem is that I see more good than keburukannya," said Cempaka opinions when asked by Okezone. 21 freshman this year also added, Facebook is in helping keep in touch and find back old friends.

This senada expressed by other Facebook users, Adinda, 23 years old, a journalist one of the online media keberatannya issue fatwa haram Facebook.

"It is not important to the fatwa haram Facebook, a relevant aja. Moreover I have never find the facts and data that reveal the impact of Facebook misused for sexual activities hidden. Impact of the poor often I hear this, most just make sure pengaksesnya themselves and I think is still reasonable. Depending same time each is, "he said.

Adinda also add, if so akan Facebook difatwakan forbidden, it should also apply to other social networking sites.

"Indeed, at this time the boom phenomenon Facebook, but if the users are prohibited from accessing Facebook, how about the other social networking sites?. If I want forbidden finicky?. If Facebook closed, they can still switch to other social networking sites," he said .

Cempaka correct to say that if Facebook difatwakan akan forbidden, it is likely he will switch to using other social networking sites.

"If indeed correct forbidden, I still have some accounts in the social networking sites like MySpace and the other,"

Meanwhile, Apriarto, 27 years, said not a problem for him in case Facebook forbidden. He holds this phenomenon is a fraction of the impact of the internet boom around the world.

However Apriarto them with similar phenomena that have occurred previously, because this does not only happen in Indonesia. On the other country also has many religious objections of the negative impact on various social networking sites.

"Facebook is a chance the current flare. But if the new MUI now give attention on the impact of bad internet boom, where it is MUI? Day gini kok new comments?" explicitly.