Crossing the Blues
Hey bebe, do you know Ika Putri, a new talented singer from Surabaya, Kota buaya dan Hiu, for the first debute she sings "Aku Perawan". the for now in the end 2008 years she had new album Entitled for herself name "ika Putri". Wanna see the Photo of ika Putri ?
Dont worry We Have lots of photo Ika Putri, I will give you friendster link of Ika, she is my friend now in friendster, if you wanna see Ika putri Profile go to the friendster, and you got what you want, here i give you IKa Putri FOTO
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Ika when she was in the concert photo
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Foto Ika Putri bersama teman teman

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Ika Putri with her friends