Crossing the Blues

Ananda Menginap di Sel, Marcella Ruangan Khusus
Ananda Mikola could not feel more comfort after a suspect. He was immediately placed in detention space Polres Central Jakarta. However, Marcella placed in a special room. Where?

Marcella news exhale and Ananda in place in the room Kasat Reskrim Polres Central Jakarta, which has a cooling room. However, as the police.

"The word whom? Ananda there are things in the back of the cell. Marcella own special room in which we prepare," said Wakapolres Central Jakarta, AKBP. Angesta Ramano Yoyol when Polres provide information in Central Jakarta, Unfortunately Angesta reluctant explain in detail what the room is special.

Besides answering questions and puzzles where Marcella and Ananda detained, Angesta also ensure that the suspect case of abduction and torture against the Great. Dijelaskannya there has been no new suspects.

Meanwhile, sister Marcella, Sergio is known as the suspect yesterday, the suspect is not new. Liz Tety youngest son is defined as the suspects together with sister, Marcella.

"(Sergio-red) is (defined as the red-) 4 or 5 days ago in unison with the sister (Marcella-red)," Angesta information.

However reluctant he again explained in detail why Sergio become suspects. The reason is because of technical problems investigation