Crossing the Blues


Posted by mista

Have you know about Aura kasih, she was young beautiful singer, and she has  friendster, want to see her friendster profile, you can check this out  the profile at 

Here are  a little quote of her in friendster "doain aku yach...moga tourku lancar & Album baruku jg cpt kelar. 'n trims jg bwt kasihku semua krn tanpa doa & dukungan kalian, aku mungkin tdk bisa lewati hidup ini dgn pnh semangat...he..he... luv & all mmmmuuuaaaccch..."

her real name is Sanny Aura Syahrani.Sdgkan Aura Kasih namaku sbg artis.Aura berarti energi murni yg berasal dari dlm tubuhsdgkan..."

SMA Angkasa Tasikmalaya lulus th.2004 setelah itu kuliah di LPP Aryanti Bandung Jurusan Sekretaris namun pd th. pertama berhenti &untuk sementara fokus pd nyanyi dulu.