Crossing the Blues
Cinta laura wants have a boyfriends from cowokIndonesia.couse she loves indonesian People. The Man is David Cinta laura
The white person's guy named David according to the Love was his school friend in Jakarta International School. David sat in the class 11, whereas loving the class 10. "Definitely deh in gosipin." This my friend, I would his person tomboy. I liked to socialise was the same the friend of the guy. He best friend I, explained the virgin 14 years when being met after filling an agenda of the model voter in the Pewayangan Building, Taman Mini Indonesia Indah, Jakarta Timur, on Sunday (3/8/2008). Although admitting to being friendly evidently the Love did not close his heart if afterwards his status day and David changed. He said could sometime in the future they will go out. "His matter he was really good, I have been friends from long before," he said. For the affair of the girlfriend's candidate, the film star of 'Upik Abu and Laura' claimed not the type that the voter. Although often the male together road the white person, the Love also opened itself up for the original Indonesian man. "All might, wanted Africa, Asia, Indonesia, was just the same," so he said. However at this time went out or looked for the girlfriend