Combination of Ingredients
For a cream to work, it need not have a lot of ingredients - it just needs to have the right ones. You should check for ingredients that have been carefully combined for a more concentrated effect.
Preventive Properties
Scars are never easy to wipe out completely. A good cream should hold prevention as the key to stopping the appearance of marks altogether.
Expectation SettingThe product must clearly tell you what you can expect and will not give you false promises. Makes sure that product instructions will tell you exactly how long you should wait for results and how often or how much a product should be used.
Honest Claims
Avoid products that claim to have miracle effects. The effectiveness of a product will depend on such factors as your skin type, genetic predisposition and severity of stretch marks.
Something Safe
A lot of stretch mark problems in women arise during pregnancy because of the abrupt expansion of the abdomen. It is therefore important to look for a solution that is safe enough to use even on pregnant women.
Safe Against Allergies
Aside from pregnant women, those who have allergies would also benefit more from natural products. The natural ingredients are already naturally occurring in the body or the environment so there is a small chance that they could promote allergies.