Los Angeles,still remembered the news concerning pregnancy of Jamie Lynn Spears?
Reportedly the brother Britney Spears signed the contract US$ 1 million.
Seleb 16tahun sold the photograph of the child that currently still in his content.
It was the magazine OK!
That succeeded in getting the right of photographs ekslusif the baby in the future.
A source that was quoted detikhot from FemaleFirst, on Friday (21/12/2007) said that the mother Jamie contacted the magazine OK!
And gave the idea concerning the photography.
The OK magazine!
Regarded as useful returned good relations between Britney and his family.
This photography was the form thank you the Spears family for this magazine.
"He (your mother of Jamie-Red) ask for to not involve Britney, because this was for Jamie Lynn."
And he believed they (majalahOK!
-Red) akanmelakukan him correctly and produced the sympathy for his child, said the source.
It was further that this source said "Jamie did not want money, but they signed the contract with a value of US$ 1 million untukpemotretan the baby who immediately will be born that".
At this time the age of the birth of Jamie Lynn approximately 12 weeks.
Estimated seleb 16 years will give birth in the season semi or mid this coming 2008