Crossing the Blues
The artist Dina Lorenza finally official was married by the descendants's Arabian man, Gathan.
The former husband Cut Keke gave Mas was married a set of diamond jewellery to the widow of one child.
The marriage ceremony of Gathan-Dina was begun around struck 15,00 WIB, on   in the Grand Kemang Hotel, Southern Jakarta.
The KUA Mampang TB. Zamroni head acted as the village chief.
Acted as the guardian was married was the brother Dina.
Apparently also the Management of the Young Man Kepancasilaan Yapto Suryosumarno was present becoming the guardian was married from the Gathan side.
As Mas was married, Gathan gave the ring, the necklace, the bracelet and anting the diamond.
Did not miss a set of praying gear also so Mas was married the marriage of the widower and the widow.
While the marriage ceremony took place apparently Dina's face tense.
Whereas Gathan, he fluently said ijab-Kabul and the pledge was married.
There was one unique scenery in the marriage that was spread out in the area poolside the Grand Kemang Hotel.
For the process of the marriage ceremony, the veil was white tusks that dipakaikan in the head mempelai appearance several times declined.
Oh Dina Lorenza Ku tunggu Jandamu
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